DiscoverTalking Orangutans Podcast#54 Davey Du Plessis - Vegan [English]
#54 Davey Du Plessis - Vegan [English]

#54 Davey Du Plessis - Vegan [English]

Update: 2020-07-31


Episode #54 Davey Du Plessis|English| Veganism, surviving & seeing life from a different perspective  How did this podcast happen? One, I did a podcast with a 50-year old gay Afrikaans recovering addict called Freddie (ep #4) whom now is one of my best friends. A year later I asked all my former podcast guests to hook me up with someone interesting. Freddie introduced me to Chris Barnard Hospital's trauma surgeon Dr Denis (ep #33). Denis in turn got me in touch with trauma counselor Robyn (ep #48) who in turn introduced me to her son Davey (ep#54).   Davey was, and still is, a young adventurer whom in 2012 during his solo crossing of the Amazon river was ambushed on his kayak and shot 5 times. Through a sequence of events he survived and continued his life as a adventurer. Check him out at  As an interviewer, I want to make the make the conversation with the guests as stimulating as possible not only for the listener but also the interviewee. A lot of times this means to step away from previous asked questions and to try and find a different side to the person by asking them things they have not yet been asked in order to gain experience from their whole being in a way where they enjoy talking. To hear about Davey's horrendous Amazon experience, please  read his book watch his seminar on or listen to other podcasts such as WORDS WORDS SPEAK   I went more into what makes him tick, how nature and nurture played roles in his mentality, and, how veganism changed his life and what we non-vegans can consider. Luckily at the end he acknowledged the refreshing approach which is a high-note for me to finish my podcast while I immigrate and consider if I want to continue. Davey was a tough nut to crack and by the second half we really got going and talked long after the podcast finished. I am very grateful for him meeting me - a complete stranger and someone he didn't know until our Skype session started on this evening - and sharing his life experience very honestly. I learned a lot from his thoughts and although not converting me, he actually made me appreciate a new perspective to life i.e. veganism.









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#54 Davey Du Plessis - Vegan [English]

#54 Davey Du Plessis - Vegan [English]

Talking Orangutans Podcast